Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Favorite Type of Rest Stop

Long days of travel across the state mean a few things...

Lots of coffee or soda (bad).

Little sleep.

Getting irritated with people leaving their brights on while driving in the opposite lane.

Taking time to see new water or throw a line in if there is time.

All of those things applied today as I literally drove across the great state of Washington. A short respite from emails and phone calls allowed me to take a few hours and throw my line into the beautiful Yakima River canyon.

A quick hookup and landing of a nice feisty Rainbow brightened the mood and several aggressive takes (but no lands) on the streamer left me wishing I had more time to fish.

As I left the canyon I stopped to look back, both figuratively and literally. Those few hours on the water refreshed my mind and for that (and the scrappy trout) I am thankful.

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